Using Python to subscribe to topics on MakerCloud

Before programming and subscribing to MakerCloud, users must first connect Python to MakerCloud MQTT. For instructions, refer to the following link: Using Python to connect to MakerCloud

Subscription functions

In the MakerCloud extension on python, there are different types of subscription functions.


This block subscribes to topics on MakerCloud


Topic - the topic name created on MakerCloud


When a text message is received, this function will run. Define it by itself first, then assign it to MakerCloudMQTT.

def message_handler(topic, message):
     print('Topic: '+ topic +' Message: '+ message)

MakerCloudMQTT.message_handler = message_handler

Topic - the name of the topic you are subscribed to

Message - the received text message


When a key text message is received, this function will run. Define it by itself first, then assign it to MakerCloudMQTT.

def key_message_handler(topic, key, message):
     print('Topic: '+ topic +'Key:' + key + 'Message:' + message)

MakerCloudMQTT.key_message_handler = key_message_handler

Topic - the topic you are subscribed to

Key - the key of the received text message

Message - the text of the received message


When a key-value pair message is received, this function will run. Define it by itself first, then assign it to MakerCloudMQTT.

def key_value_handler(topic, key, value):
     print('Topic: '+ topic +'Key:' + key + 'Value:' ,value)

MakerCloudMQTT.key_value_handler = key_value_handler

Topic - the topic that you are subscribed to

Key - the key of the received message

Value - the received value


When a latitude-longitude message is received, this function will run. Define it by itself first, then assign it to MakerCloudMQTT.

def coordinate_handler(topic, latitude, longitude):
     print('Topic: '+ topic +'Latitude:',latitude +' longitude:' ,Longitude)

MakerCloudMQTT.coordinate_handler = coordinate_handler

Topic - The name of the topic you are subscribed to

Latitude - The received latitude value

Longitude - The received longitude value

Receiving text messages

Learning Focus:

  • Learn how to receive text messages from subscribed topics through Python


  • Subscribe to topics
  • Receive text messages from MakerCloud and display them

Before programming on Python, we need to prepare on MakerCloud:

  1. Create a project
  2. Create a topic
  3. Copy the topic name in MakerCloud


Then you can program in Python:

import MakerCloudMQTT

MakerCloudMQTT.username ='Max'
# Paste the topic name
topic ='QQP4LRB0'

# Define message_handler
def message_handler(topic, message):
     print('Topic: '+ topic +' Message: '+ message)

# Assign message_handler to MakerCloudMQTT.message_handler
MakerCloudMQTT.message_handler = message_handler
# Subscribe to topics

After finishing and running the program, return to your project's IOT homepage in MakerCloud. Press the "Details" button in the topic to enter the topic homepage. In the "Send Message to Subject" box, enter "hello" and click "Send".


In the Python program, you should receive a text message:

Topic: QQP4LRB0 Message: hello